Food Guilt

Yesterday I made a filet mignon for dinner, for one. The raw piece of meat cost me $15.  I made it to the doneness that I like, which is medium rare for most people, or between medium rare and rare in most American restaurants that tend to overcook their meats. It was simple but it was good, satisfied my carnal instincts. This morning I woke up to a terrible sense of guilt. How could I have spent $15 on just a half pound piece of meat? That would convert to 15,000 Tanzanian shillings and boy do I know how many people in Africa could benefit from this seemingly small amount to us but significant amount to them. I've spent way over $100 per person in nice restaurants, usually French. Would I be able to bring myself to do that again? Would I ever continue to be a gourmand again and enjoy fine foods, which usually carries a 'fine' price? 

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