Satisfaction from a $1 street taco and a $150 Pujol meal

. . . is the same. Period. At least for me, it is.

Pujol reminded me so much of French Laundry - tasting menu, food superbly done, great service, nice ambience. Highly recommended by the hotel concierge, it was not until later that I realized that Pujol is on the Top 50 Best Restaurants in the world. The amuse bouche was a small corn, slightly bigger than a baby corn, husks pulled back and still attached, smoked in a large pumpkin. The effect was dramatic, a big pumpkin brought to the table. You open the lid of the pumpkin and smoke comes out. You put your hand into that smoking pumpkin and pull out a small corn each. 10 points for presentation, the corn tastes good too.  A memorable way to start a great meal!

The food at Pujol was exquisite, every morsel thoughtfully crafted and masterfully creative. Here are the two tasting menus on a late November night - one from the sea, one from the land (and both delicious).
The next night, I had a street taco for dinner. I mean, not one but three, because after all, it's only USD 1 per taco. 2 Tacos el Pastor (pork) and one lengua (tongue). They were absolutely, absolutely delicious. Comparing it to the dinner the night before at Pujol, it's almost like day and night but the satisfaction I derived from the Pujol meal couldn't beat these tacos!

It's sad that Mexico city has a reputation for being an unsafe city, with kidnapping high on the list of felonies. The food is really good, the restaurants are plentiful, and the range is wide - from street food to good comfortable restaurants to fine dining. Its a place for foodies, for sure.

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