Surprise finds in and around Bodega Bay

Was in Bodega Bay recently for the Bodega Bay Fish Festival. To be honest, the festival was so so - a couple of lamas, saw a (unfortunately dwindling) fleet of fishing boats parading at a distance, getting blessed by a priest, some craft stalls...

However, that trip yielded two fabulous finds outside of the festival grounds:

a) An excellent clam chowder at Spud Point Crab Company
Since my previous all time clam chowder favorite - Shirley's by the Lake (at Fort Bragg) changed ownership and become more of a Mexican joint, I'm been in search of a really good clam chowder, something that's beyond the San Francisco Boudin chowder, more flavorful, less starch, more clams. This place is a shack, it really is - a few tables, some crab boiling pots simmering away, but the clam chowder is good.  The crab roll, is pretty delicious too.

b) A french bakery - Wild Flour Bread Bakery
What is this bakery doing in the middle of nowhere? Okay, it's beside Freestone Winery, but seriously, how could this place have such good oven baked breads. Entering a pair of what looks like saloon doors, you are immediately captivated by the smells of freshly baked breads as breads are baked constantly throughout the day. I have never seen a place like this, generous with their bread samples, they have breads with goat cheese, peppers, even fig.

So flavorful, so delicious, so addictive.

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