Viennese Favorites

Vienna is a beautiful city – traditional yet modern, but definitely regal and refined, everywhere you go. The traditional favorites in Vienna (Wien, in German) are the Wiener Schnitzel and the Tafelspitz (pictured above). The former is breaded and fried veal cutlets, the latter is boiled rump served with apple horseradish and sour cream with chives, often accompanied by roasted potatoes. And of course, there are sausage stands everywhere in the city; serving up grillwurst, bratwurst, currywurst either cut up in small pieces or served in a half baguette with ketchup, mustard or mayonnaise.

Vienna is also famous for its coffee houses – cafes. Indeed, there are many cafes in Vienna, serving breakfast, light lunch and needless to say, beautiful cakes and pastries. I went to one of the oldest cafe in Vienna - Cafe Frauenhuber, established since 1824. I was quite disappointed when I saw a STARBUCKS, yes, a huge STARBUCKS in the middle of downtown. There have been more than one occasion in my travels when I’m elated and almost grateful to see a Starbucks, however, in Vienna, it seems like a shame. It reminded me of Carlos Petrini, founder of Slow Food who protested against the opening of McDonalds in Rome many many years ago...

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